Monday, March 15, 2010

Lesson Plan: Color Tiles

Objective: Students will use objects to count to 6 and 7; make 6 and 7 using color tiles (show two parts)


  • Crayons
  • Color Tiles
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Smart Board
  • Review numbers 6 and 7.
  • Hold up an index card students will use color tiles to show that number.
  • Model to students on the Smart Board how to make 6 and 7 in two parts.
  • Break up into 3 groups.
  • Group 1: Workmats
  • Group 2: On Computer watching Interactive Learning Video: Making 6 & 7
  • Group 3: Hands on work with color tiles

  • Workmats
  • Teacher observation
  • Data Collection

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