Lesson Plan #2: Inside Outside (also taken from CD)
Grade Level: K
Objective: Students will develop an understanding of area as a number of square units needed to cover a region.
- Geoboards (1 per a child)
- Rubber bands (several different colors)
- Geodot paper
- Color Tiles
- Crayons
- Pencil
- Record Sheet
- Smartboard/ Overhead or Elmo
*Allow student the day before the lesson to have 20 minutes to explore with Geoboards.
- Model to students how to use one rubber band on the geoboard to create the largest possible square. Explain this is the outside region.
- Keep the outer region and this time create a smaller region. (Refer to Teacher made smartboard lesson)
- Pass out geoboards and have chidren duplicate what you made using two different color rubber bands.
- Review that they have created two different regions (the inside "smaller shape" the other region is the outside region)
- Ask children which region they think covers more space.
- Disscuss/brainstorm - how we can find out they are correct (ex: count the pegs; use geodot paper; record data)
- Model to students using color tiles how they can measure the outer region or inner region.
- Model on the smartboard the same method.
- Allow children to explore on own for a few minutes.
- Call children attention to brainstorm what they have discovered. Call on children/pairs to post their drawings to see if anyone had a drawing with one square inside. If so ask how many small squares were outside that shape (record) Ask which shapes had more squares outside/inside.
Follow up:
- If your guess was close to your count, what helped you make such a close guess?
- After you found the number of squares inside your shape did you ever know the number of the outside squares without counting? Explain.
- What do you see when you look closey at the chart (record/data)?
- What do you notice about shapes that can be covered by the same number of squares?
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